Saturday, October 9, 2010

Operation Candy Gram Project

Name: Molly Walsh

Project Title: Operation Candy Gram

Project Time Table:
Start: October 11, 2010
Finish By: December 17, 2010

Milestone Dates:
Oct. 11-17: collect Halloween candy and make Halloween labels.
Oct. 25-29: sell Halloween Candy Grams during lunch/deliver last period.
Nov 15-19: collect Thanksgiving candy and make labels
Nov 22-24: sell Thanksgiving Grams during lunch, deliver last period
Dec 1-10: collect candy canes
Dec 13-Break: sell candy cane grams/deliver last period

Mentor or Advisor for Project:

Phone or Email of Advisor:

By the end of this project I want to be able to donate a large sum of money to charity, to help people in need.  I want my team members and I to be successful in selling these candy grams and have the whole process runs smoothly. It will take a bit of cooperation and good time management, to pull this off but I am confident that I can do this. Like when we have to attach candy, properly separate, and deliver it. But, I am fairly confident because I have been involved in something like this in the past and it has turned out very well. Our class teaches us how to be better leaders and improve our community and by raising money for a good cause we are bettering our world. Also it will be a nice surprise for the students to get a little treat in the afternoon.

The biggest obstacle I think I might face is the time to sort and deliver the candy.  In class I would have to sort out all the tags for the different classes, and then tape the candy to them.  If enough people are doing it though, it will not take as long.  Also, how I will get the candy is a challenge.  After all, you cannot have candy grams without the candy.  I am thinking we will either have a donation where people can bring in bags of candy or each person in the class will bring in a bag or two of candy. There are ways for this to happen.

What I want to do before Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas is set up a candy gram sale and donate all the profits to charity. The candy grams will be 25 cents each. How this will work is:

1. The week before each sale, I/the group will:
a. prepare labels to tape to the candy (printing/cutting out in appropriate colors/pictures) 
b. collect the candy itself
c. advertise/make signs

2. At lunch the week of each sale, there will be a table set up at lunch. Buyers will:
a. give the money to one person 
b. another person will give them the labels
c. on the labels the buyer writes who they want to send the candy gram to, who the candy gram is from, and the teacher of the class that the recipient is in last period

3. Later that day in leadership class I/the group will attach the candy to the labels and then separate them based on the classroom they will go to.  They will then be delivered to the appropriate classrooms.

Dates These Events Will Take Place:
Oct. 11-17: collect Halloween candy, make Halloween labels, and advertise.
Oct. 25-29: sell Halloween Candy Grams during lunch/deliver last period.
Nov 15-19: collect Thanksgiving candy, make labels, and advertise
Nov 22-24: sell Thanksgiving Grams during lunch, deliver last period
Dec 1-10: collect candy canes, make labels, and advertise
Dec 13-Break: sell candy cane grams/deliver last period

I will work really hard to make all of those dates and do whatever is necessary to fulfill what needs to be done. I will make sure everyone in my group is on task and is doing their work. I will manage our time well and get us everything we need to be successful.

The following is the materials it will take to make these candy grams possible:

-          Candy for Halloween, Thanksgiving
-          Candy canes for Christmas
-          Orange, black, brown, purple, red, and green printer paper for labels
-          Tape to attach candy and labels
-          Table to use for sale at lunch
-          Sign makings to advertise

I will need people willing to sell the candy grams at lunch, make sighs to advertise, attach the labels to the candy, sorting the labels, and delivering the candy grams.  I also need people to count the money after the sale.  There will be no need for training as most of the skills used in this drive are pretty basic, if not intuitive.  I really just need people who are willing to help.

Here are the jobs people will be doing if they choose to help me*:

-          Sell the candy grams during lunch (2 people)
-          Sort and assemble the candy grams (3-5 people)
-          Deliver the candy grams (4-5 people)
-          Make posters to hang around school (2-3 people)

*people can do more than one job

I will make sure everyone is on task and doing their assigned job.  I will not let anyone slack off or sabotage this project.  I will manage the time for everyone and make sure that we have enough time to sell, assemble, and deliver our candy grams.

Candy Gram
To: ________________
From: ______________
Teacher’s Name of Recipient’s Last Period Class: __________________

Candy Gram
To: __________________
From: ________________
Teacher’s Name of Recipient’s Last Period Class: __________________

Candy  Gram
To: __________________
From: ________________
Teacher’s Name of Recipient’s Last Period Class: __________________


  1. Link mine to yours:

    Mrs. Fitz

  2. You have done an awesome amount of planning already! Good job!
    Keep blogging to let us know when you need any help.
