Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If Something Can go Wrong It Will...

Where Will I Get My Candy Money?
I think my first priority is to find a donor for the candy.  I really need someone who will fund my candy grams because you cannot have the grams without any candy.  The ASB may be able to fund me so that I can get the candy and have my sale.  I am going to talk to them as soon as I can so I can get the candy as soon as possible.
            I have decided on the candy I am going to get.  It is perfect for a Halloween themed sale.  They are skull pops which are skull shaped lolli-pops and are grape flavored.  I did the math and there are 44 pops per bag.  Let’s say I need 9 bags a day which would equal 396 pops per day which could easily be sold if multiple students are buying multiple candy grams.  Each bag is about $6.  That means it would take $54 dollars a day to fund this.  If I do it for 5 days, then it would be $270.  But if I sell each candy gram for $.50 then I will make $990.  To pay the ASB back would be $270, so I would make $720 for this sale only.

People May Not Buy the Candy.
Okay so…it may be a bit short notice between now and the sale, but I am confident that the sale will do well, especially if I put up signs advertising the sale on Thursday.  That will give the sale the extra boost it needs to be successful.  I mean who doesn’t want to send and receive a candy gram?  Right?  No, I know I’m right.   
            I will also spread the news by word of mouth.  I will tell everyone I see that there will be a candy gram sale and they should bring their quarters.  Also, I will ask my teachers if I can announce the sale before class so people will know to bring money.  After the first sale, more people will know about it more and we will sell more at other sales.

I May Not Get Preparations in Time for the Halloween Sale
Well, it is less than a week away from the sale and I still need to get in contact with the ASB.  I need to know if they can fund me and if they will fund me.  I need to know how I will be funded and what it means to be funded.  I need to buy the candy and the paper for the labels.  I need helpers that will help me sell during lunch and who will help me separate the candy into the different bins.  There is a lot of work to be done and this is not a one woman job.
            I will try my hardest to get this sale going and running by next week.  I will try to make the sale well known so people will be ready to buy the candy grams.  I will talk to the ASB first chance I get and will get the candy the second I get funding from somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Molly,
    you can get on an ASB meeting agenda to come and talk to us about funding you for this candy. We have meetings every Thursday from lunch all the way through club time. Come see me in the morning if you need to get on the agenda.
    Mrs Fitz
