Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Second Help Project!!

Name: Molly Walsh

Project Leader Name:  Gavin

Project Name:  Spring Egg Hunt

Project Milestone Dates: April 22, 2011

What is the objective of this project?

This project is for a spring egg hunt.  We hid eggs and then let the whole school search for them.  There were a lot of them and there was candy hidden insided of them.  It was meant for a celebration of spring and have a fun activity for the students.

What is your role going to be in the project?

I was put to the task of making posters and advertising for the event.  I made a lot of posters that were hung up all over the school.  They told all of the information about the event and encouraged people to participate in the egg hunt.

How are you and your group going to hold eachother accountable for work getting done throughout the project?

We had to make sure that everyone did their part or else the egg hunt would not go right.  I had to make my posters so that people would know about the egg hunt and the people stuffing the eggs had to fill the eggs in time.  Also, the hiders had to hide the eggs before the egg hunt started, or the egg hunt would not be a big success.

What do you see as being the largest obstacle in your way to success?  What do you see as being an obstacle for your group? 

I made posters and advertised, so it's possible that people didn't see the postsers or did not hear about the egg hunt.  I think that an obstacle for the project itself was that people didn't join the egg hunt, Fortunatly, though, it turned out that there were a lot of people that joined the hunt.

What is the plan for overcomming these obstacles?

I thing we just tried the best we could and we did our best to make the best spring egg hunt that we possibly could.  Luckily, the egg hunt was a great success and it all worked out.

The picture below is of Gavin and his helpers stuffing eggs with candy.  Although I made signs for his project this is a piece of the process of the project.

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